Li Guan (管理)

Hi! Welcome to Li Guan's home page.

Currently, I am a senior research manager at Meta Reality Lab Research, trying to bridge the gaps between the physical and virtual worlds.

I received my Ph.D. degree in May 2010. My dissertation title is "Multi-view Dynamic Scene Modeling". My advisor was Prof. Marc Pollefeys. Since then I have worked in GE Global Research, Amazon, Zillow, Wormpex AI Research on different computer vision and machine learning projects, such as Amazon Go, Zillow 3D Home, and Wormpex Scene Reconstruction Platform. 

My research interests include 3D reconstruction, camera network calibration, robotic SLAM, multi-sensory multi-modality fusion, optimization, video segmentation, human-computer interaction, machine learning (including deep learning) and GPU acceleration.


(Previous years of the workshop 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

(Previous years of the workshop 2020, 2021, 2022)